Tuesday, 24 December 2013

It's Christmas Time!

Hi ladies and gents, hope everyone is all ready for Christmas!

Just a quick message to thank you all for your following over the last few months, and that you continue to enjoy my blogs well into 2014 :)

I have been in the kitchen all day preparing treats for the family, including chocolate cups, both coconut and almond nut butter, a paleo Yule log which I cannot wait to try! And Christmas scotch eggs, all courtesy of the Fitter Foods Christmas E Book!

So although I planned to get some sessions in, I've had to rest after waking up with awful back pain, so resting up and will be back with a vengeance in 2014! Although I did get my chin up PB today of 13..!!!! 

Wishing you all the best, hope you all eat drink and be merry! Don't feel bad for indulging!

Franki xx

Monday, 16 December 2013

Last Christmas, I Gave It A Go.....

Hi all, I hope you had a lovely weekend and that the Festive Feeling is starting to creep upon you!

Our Lovely Little Christmas Tree!
I certainly embraced the Festive Spirit; our tree has gone up, the Baileys has been opened and a mince pie (or two) has been consumed...!

I've hit the nail on the head with that one haven't I?!

Christmas = Food and Booze!! Too Much Temptation...Can't Be Good...Ah, I'll start again in the New Year...

No, No, No! Please don't enter the Jolly Season with a Negative outlook to food and training - you will probably only end up feeling worse when it is all over!

Christmas Dos....Dinners Out...Reunions.... Christmas Day...Boxing Day...New Year's Eve!

Most of us work up a fuss in the run up to Christmas - desperate to get into a nice dress or last years trousers, and work hard to achieve that goal, so we have quite rightly earned a few indulgent meals and bottles of wine :)

What I mean to say is, try to remain focused on your goals, but don't let it consume you, make you feel unsociable because you feel you need to skip on the 'Christmas Catch up Drinks' for fear of undoing 'all your hard work' - You won't do that in a few evenings, don't worry!

Instead, how about during this weeks' run up to the big day, amidst last minute Christmas Shopping, think about a few small tasks to set yourself to help keep you on track and see you into the New Year.

I don't mean ''I will avoid a scrummy Christmas Lunch or a Warming Mulled Wine'', as this is what Christmas is about :)

Maybe something along the lines of the amount of sleep you will get (as this is such an important factor when it comes to overall health), or that you will keep up with the amount of water you normally drink in a day, even if you happen to be lucky enough to be off work!

Also, in this last full working week, make sure you are prepared, I cannot stress enough how important this is for helping you stay on track - if you have prepared yourself a yummy home cooked lunch, hopefully that is enough to stop you being tempted by a quick lunch down the pub 'because it's Christmas'! (Think of the pennies you'll save too!)

This week, my favourite prep was the below.....Veal Burger purchased from our local Farm Shop, roast Sweet Potato in coconut oil, Orange Pepper and Blueberries and a Banana to snack on

Lastly, if you can, set yourself days where you will get some exercise in? I finish work for the year on the 19th, but I already have at least 5 training sessions pencilled for when I know the gym will be open (crazy/sad...whatever you want to call it!) and can, as discussed before, do something at home.

Not quite what I'll be wearing in the gym....but you get my drift!

My Christmas Prep.....

 In my last post, I mentioned I am preparing to host my first Boxing Day, a day full of food and family! I want to keep with the traditional dishes and trimmings, but with a paleo twist!

Luckily for me, the guys at Fitter Foods have just released a Christmas E-Book....It is just what I needed! I have picked a few of the dishes I would like to serve already, so obviously I have started to trial them...and lucky James gets to be my taste tester!

First on my list was the Sweet Potato Gratin which I will serve as part of the buffet

They were a little hot for my liking (I added too much chilli...!) but James loved them! I will just need to tone that down for BD!

I think the next items I will attempt are their Chocolate Mint Cups and their Yule Log....watch this space!

Who will be doing the cooking in your household this year? What are your favourite dishes and tipple?

And what little tasks will you set yourself this week?

Don't wait for the New Year to ''get back on it''

Till next week...!

Franki x

Friday, 15 November 2013

Inspire the Mind

Ok, so in my last blog, I asked you to think about who or what inspires you...

Now, this didn't have to be in a health and fitness sense, I just wanted you to think about what it was about that person or event that inspires / inspired you. How it made you feel, did you see that person differently, did it encourage you to pursue something of your own?

I can certainly relate to this; I have several people in my life that constantly inspire me, people who keep me going, people who I in turn motivate and help achieve their goals.

The most obvious here would be the incredible ladies I have the pleasure to train with. All of us have different stories, different goals, some can deadlift 100kg+, others can run for miles. That's why I love training and socialising with motivated people - we may not all have the same end goal, but we all work just as hard as each other to get what we want!!!

Training with a range of people with different skills, I believe, is a valuable tool to utilise - when you see one of your peers achieving, let's say, their max rep chins ups, when your goal is to get your first one, don't you think it gives you that drive and want to get it, even stronger?! I know it does to me! Ok, this could just be me being competitive, but hey, there is nothing wrong competing with yourself, is there?!

Anyway, a few weeks ago we decided that we needed a 'Ladies Night Off' - a chance for us to get together, for once not in gym gear, have a drink and a good old dance! Although not everyone could make it, here are just some of the ladies I have taken some aspect of inspiration from...

Tash, Zuz, Tanya, Fiona, Nikki, Bev, Ronnie, Zoe, Rachel W, Me and Rachel P enjoying a well-deserved night off!

Oh, and spending as much time as I have done in the gym, it hasn't ruined my social life at all - I have made an incredible set of Inspiring Friends!


   (L) Katie Winning her First Comp! (R) Me doing the same!


Then we have the ever so knowledgeable EBW Coaches I have worked with, James, Ben and Katie.

As well as running a successful business, they also train to compete too - James having competed and placed in U90kg Strongman Competitions, Ben also competing and placing in Olympic Lifting Comps. Katie won 'Britians Strongest Woman U75kg' in 2012 - this was the first competition I went to - and where my quest for success came from! I think it is equally important to have coaches that inspire you too. Nothing worse than a trainer who doesn't really know what they are talking about, or don't practice what they preach. All three EBW coaches are inspiring with their achievements, as well as their passion for the industry - I owe a lot to all three of them!!

Outside of the gym, I would have to say that my *Mother and Sister* are also big inspirations of mine.

Both (obviously) being mothers and contending with life's interventions, ups and downs, new babies, new homes, they both remain 2 of the strongest women I know - they give me my emotional strength when I need it most. Watching my sister become a mother and witnessing how she raises my nephew is awesome - and I can only hope that I will be the same when it's my turn! My mum gave up a steady career to start a new venture and be a carer for children with physical disabilities - a huge leap that took a lot of courage and bravery, something that reminds me that if you want something, you need to make it happen....otherwise you can become stuck in a rut.....why are parents always right?!

Last but not least, a colleague of mine, Caroline.

Over the last few years, she and her friends have collectively raised over £20,000 for Macmillan Cancer. She has walked the Great Wall of China and trekked through Jordan, as well as hosting amazing fundraisers which include Curry Nights, Barn Dances and a Mini Festival, (complete with a Pimms tent!) All while working , setting up her own life coaching business and being a mother to 3 boys. Phew! Despite all this, she still has the time to frequently attend events and workshops for more learning and development. It is safe to say that Caroline has inspired me to want to do a Charity event and has also encouraged me to pursue my personal development goals.

I would like to say a special thanks to those I have mentioned in this post, without you, I wouldn't have the motivation and drive to continue on my quest to motivate and inspire others - and hit a few Personal Bests at the same time!

So, this weeks achievements are that I managed to do 4 full range body weight dips yesterday - that was a proud moment! Big well done to Zuz for getting her first ever solo dips too - two consecutive, having previously not being able to do one! This morning, I managed to beat my max reps chin ups, taking this to 12 full range body weight chins...!

I have also decided to try a different eating style for the next couple of weeks - the aim is to find what foods you react to, to help identify the food you, personally, should avoid. Details and result will follow in the next few weeks!

I will leave you with this question...please feel free to leave your answers below.... :)


Franki x

Friday, 1 November 2013

Galaxy Quest..?!

Sorry guys, had a hectic couple of weeks and haven't been able to blog for a while!

As well as all the other things that get in the way of my free time, I'm really trying to step up my training and be even better with food, because I have been majorly inspired by a show Zuz and I went to recently.... *Miss Galaxy Universe*


It is aimed for women who would like experience in competing in figure / fitness shows, but the best thing about it was that it was for 'real women'. This meant that as well as the super fit and lean ladies, there were also ladies with fuller and softer figures strutting their stuff on stage - in bikinis, which for most women is a daunting thought!

I also liked that the show started with a fit test, which really showed how hard the ladies have to work. Most of the exercises were bootcamp style bodyweight ones, which consisted of the following;

Standing Long Jump - 3 attempts
Step Up (5 raisers)
Tricep Dips (6 raisers and feet elevated)           
Sit Ups
Press Ups
Squat Thrusts
Box Jump
Shuttle Run (5 Metres)

All done on a 1 minute on, 1 minute off (rest) basis.

They also then had to all do a 1/2 bodyweight bench press for as many reps as possible, followed by an optional Supinated Chin Up Challenge.

I have to admit, I was surprised at the level of strength of some of these ladies - and the courage it took to be able to do all of that on stage with 200 pairs of eyes watching...especially the chin ups as these were done facing the audience, with plenty of shouts of encouragement from us spectators!!

The Bikini Round showed some amazing physiques, truly inspiring, especially as a lot of the women in great shape were also mums...one even being 52 years young, with the body of a 20 something - Amazing!! This is where my inspiration came from. I want a body to be proud of when I'm in my 50's! So lets start now....

I'm not saying that at this moment in time I want to compete, or get on stage in nothing but heels and a two piece, but something about the sense of empowerment and achievement made me hungry for it. For now, I am just going to work extra hard, eat as clean as I can and see what I can achieve. I have given myself the task of dropping at least another 1.4% bodyfat by December 20th, hey, I don't have a holiday to work towards, so I have to set some kind of goal, right?!

Anyway, after coming away from the show, Zuz and I decided to give the GG Fit Test routine a go....here are our results...(we didn't do the long jump or shuttle run as at the time, there was no way to measure the distances!)

It would be great to compare our results to those of the competitors, but sadly I don't think they will be published!

*If you fancy it, why don't you give it a go and post your scores in the comment box below?*

Also, have a think about what has inspired you recently. It doesn't have to involve training or eating, it could be a story you have heard on the news, an award that has been won, a charity event or, in my case, wise words from a mentor who is equally focused on achieving goals as I am.

No matter what your aim is, be it seeking better health, a new sense of direction or even a new challenge, I believe that praise and encouragement play a big part in our determination to succeed. If you are lucky enough to have such a figure in your life to support you, it makes the journey a lot easier. In saying that, I hope to be that figure for someone one day :)

Anyway, enough of the gooey stuff and back to the topic! I really admire the hardwork and dedication of the Galaxy Girls, I have certainly come away wanting to work harder and try new things.

Speaking of new things, the latest challenge I set myself was to be able to do a free standing Headstand....and now I can do both variations, albeit a little wonky! But hey, not bad for a newbie :)

For more Information on the Galaxy Girls and to view pictures of the winners of the different categories, visit their Facebook Page, Miss Galaxy Universe - I'm now constantly checking the page for more motivational photos!

Franki x


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Food For Thought.....

Hi guys, I hope you have enjoyed my blogs so far and they are somewhat achieving what I set out to do!

So today I wanted to discuss *FOOD* the sometimes trickier aspect of healthy living.

Fast Food Addict.....Convenience Food Lover.....Meat and Potato Scoffer.....Vegetarian.....Vegan.....Paleo Enthusiast .....Fad Diet Follower.....Slimming Pill Taker.....

The list could go on... But do you fall into any of the categories above? Chances are you do, and, quite within your right, you would argue that your preferred nutrition choice is the better option. But is this because it is what you have always known, or through tried and tested attempts to be healthier that have proved to work for you?

I'll be the first to admit that I was both a Fast Food Addict and a Convenience Food Lover, predominately when I was in my teens, with the attitude being, I wasn't get fat, so why should I stop...Oh but I was....as you have all seen a fair few times over this blog!

I just want you to take a second and think about what food / nutrition group you fall into...and why that is? Are you happy with your current nutritional lifestyle? If not, why not? What do you wish you could do differently?


These are usually the biggest culprits in making our lifestyles harder.

I can fully appreciate choosing to live a healthier lifestyle can be a pricey decision, but lets put it in perspective....

On a yearly average, we Brits spend;
  • £1,320 on Take Aways*,
  • £1,432 on Cigarettes* and
  • £1,144 on Alcohol*,
That's nearly £4000 a year on 'unhealthy non essentials'....shocking!

Compare this to the average yearly food shopping spend of £2,766, I think it's fair to say, food shopping is not the main expense here!

And yes, you can argue that this does not apply to everyone, I am merely using the above as three most relevant oppositions - this is a blog about healthy living, so I won't go into the average household bills too...especially as more rises have just been announced..!)

Due to the cost of healthy food, many people opt for quick fixes such as meal replacement shakes and 'diet pills', options that are considered acceptable and healthy....

  A quick look at the news this week will only tell you of how far some people will go to lose weight - so far as to take substances that are not meant for human consumption, resulting in the loss of their life. I feel saddened to hear such awful things, made worse by the fact products are readily available to the hungry consumer.

I know that these recent cases refer to substances that you can't buy over the counter, but after hearing a story of a woman a few years ago waking up in a pool of ''fat'' that had leaked from her body while she slept when taking a specific slimming aid, it was enough to put me off the idea very quickly!

When I first started Paleo, yes, I did complain it was expensive. After all, I had gone from buying
microwave meals and sandwiches to fresh meat and veg - there was always going to be a significant difference!

But it turned out to not be as big a problem as I had thought - because I was eating better, not spending money on burgers and fizzy drinks, my funds were balancing out; what I was saving on bad food, I could spend on good food...which is Win Win surely?!

My Saving Grace this year has been using a cookbook. Well, it is a little bit more than a cookbook - as well as recipe ideas, it is full of information on how to better your lifestyle and gives great information on Paleo. Which book do you ask? Well, it is of course.....

This has become like a Bible to me! Lots of ideas from snacks to desserts to big hearty meals...and for less than £20, I would say it is well worth the purchase!

I also like to use this website...


What is great about this site, is that on the homepage, there is a function to input a food into a search bar - and it will tell you if it is considered a 'paleo food' - great for beginners or those wanting to be more adventurous with their meals! I used a recipe featured on this site for something called a 'meaque' - a quiche made with mince instead of pastry! Personally, I think it needed more seasoning when I had it hot from the oven last night - but eating it cold this morning as a snack, it was delicious!

I love a foodie pic - I know a lot of people hate them! But I think if something looks good, why not share it to inspire others?! So here are a few of foods and meals that I love :)

These include Paleo Friendly Full English Breakfast, A Nice hot cup of Organic Percolated Coffee - Brought to me in bed...! :) Chimichurri Olives - a great addition to a salad for some extra flavour, or a few as a snack and Homemade Smoothie - Yummy!!



What is your favourite meal? I'd love to hear from people who share different views on food and nutrition! And any recipes and pictures of yummy dishes to inspire me! Honestly, living independently has done wonders for my cooking skills :)

Franki x

* Average figures taken from these sources