Monday, 24 March 2014

Read All About It!

Time really does fly when you're having fun hey! A lot has happened the last two weeks, so here is a quick update on what's been going on...!

My First EliteFemales Class

My First Session

This seems ages ago now! This is the first time I designed and ran a class for other ladies at the new EBW facility and I am pleased to say, it went really well!

I had a lot of positive feedback from the lovely ladies who came along, and pleased to say they even came back for more on my second session!

I must admit, I was really nervous about starting this, as there is a certain amount of expectation put on you, especially from a coaching perspective!

Luckily for me, James assisted with the session, being on hand to make sure I was coaching correctly and keeping the ladies motivated. This was a great help to me as after the session, he praised me for doing well, as well as suggesting some modifications I could make and how to be even more involved with the clients. I took this on board and came back the following Wednesday, feeling more confident and in control than the previous week. I will still work under guidance for a while, being a newbie, but its the best way to keep improving!

The intro PT Session for Natasha!
In keeping with my development, I did a mini PT session with James' sister Natasha too - she had never been in a gym and was quite curious as to what a session would entail, so I was tasked with showing her a few basic exercises and coaching her round a 30 minute 1 on 1 session, and she did so much better than she thought she would - even giving the battle ropes a go. I was very pleased with how well she did for her first session, and feedback tells me she enjoyed it too....!

I found a new Training Partner!
I know a few of my gym buddies will be annoyed at this, but I have to be honest. Last Saturday saw me partake in my first MST session for ages and I had the pleasure of training with Mia, the daughter of my good friend Charlotte.

Now, you may think training with a 10 year old as a novelty, but I can assure you, Mia was very much a competitive partner! The session comprised of competing against other pairs to complete a set of exercises as many times as possible - and Mia held no prisoners - there was no way we were going to lose!

Lots of shouts of encouragement and counting of reps from the little Strongwoman, her enthusiasm was so refreshing, and she really pushed me! (this due to me being scared to lose!)

But luckily (for me!) we did win! Yay for us! Thank you Mia, I look forward to our next session!

Mia and Charlotte x

Strong Not Skinny!

Friday evenings see another Female only session at EBW, this time specifically focusing on strength training.

I paired up with Ali for a Back and Front Squat session - aiming for 5 rep max on back squat and 6 reps on the front squat. I helped Ali with technique (as well as upping the weight each time!) and she was soon doing squats comfortably, with higher weights than she had thought!

Massive well done to her for surpassing last weeks achievements in this weeks session - Keep it up Ali!

I managed a PB this session too - all in aid of comp prep...!

England's Strongest Man Southern Qualifier

Sunday March 16th saw James compete in his first Strongman competition of the year. A great day had by all, despite just missing out on qualifying, but the comp saw some great talent and competitors, so well done to all! James did manage some PBs, including a huge 170kg back squat for 4 reps! Video here of this mean feat!

And follow this link to a James' write up of the comp......

He is currently working towards two more comps in June, a week apart! then I think some rest until next year when he will qualify for ESM....!

Speaking of Competitions.....

If you follow any of us on Facebook, you will have seen that EBW will be holding Basingstoke's Strongest Novice on June 22nd!

This is the first comp of it's kind to be held and only having been announced this week, already has about 20 competitors signed up!

This is open to anyone, male or female, as long as they haven't had a podium position in any other Strength Comps.....I'm signed up!

It's great to see a few of the other EBW Ladies are too participating! Should be a great day, I am really looking forward to it! (that's if I don't place in April's comp!)

See this link for more info - if you are interested, get involved! You don't have to be an EBW Client to participate!!!

My competition prep is going well, from this week I will be working through a more specific comp
focused programme having only a few weeks left until the day - which happens to be Easter Weekend, which is a great way of keeping me off the chocolate!!

Although I am slightly nervous at competing against the Current Britain's Strongest Women U63kg, Gina Collins! I have trained with her a few times at EBW and she is truly inspiring - so the thought of this is something to keep me pushing myself on the day, right...?!

Personal Affairs...

Well, amongst the craziness on the gym front in the last fortnight, work and rest time hasn't been any better! It has presented quite a few challenges and obstacles, making focus difficult and somewhat clouded....from previous experience, when this starts to happen, you need to address and change it before it snowballs into something you feel you can no longer control, or stop caring about.

I have spent a lot of time recently thinking, deciding, thinking again and settling on what it is I want and where I want to go with life, and I finally feel like I have found it!

I won't reveal the full details of my mastermind plan for my impending world domination, but it does include a lot more focus and involvement with my writing - and I have you lovely readers to thank for that! I started this in August, not thinking it would have the impact and response it has done. This is a huge compliment to me, to know that something I am passionate about is actually something other people enjoy too! So watch this space!

Birthday Girl...

Oh yes...It is my Birthday tomorrow!!! I am very much looking forward to a day off with James (to be spoilt rotten like I deserve ;-) ) an evening with some of the family, and then Afternoon Tea and dinner and drinks with all my lovely girlfriends on Friday!

Will I be indulging? Of course! As I said last time, my aim was to be really hot on my eating and training until my birthday, and, bar a bit of Peanut Parfait and Birthday Cake (it was Georgie's birthday and the cake looked too good to turn down!), I have been sooooo good! And managed to drop the weight I gained and shifted the bloat I had gained from stress....All in all, I'm feeling good again and so It's my Birthday, I'll eat Cake....Ice Cream.....if I want to!

Just to End...

On an end note, you may remember my previous blog, You are Beautiful, No Matter What They Say, an insight into Eating date, this has been my most viewed and praised write up, and I know this connected with several people on a personal level. I am glad I could air the views of those who felt they couldn't do it themselves xxx

Off the back of this, I purchased the below book by Emma Woolf, and have asked for her previous publication, An Apple a Day, as a birthday gift.

 The Ministry of Thin is a very good read -  looking at the pressure put on women and the effect it has on us all. I would highly recommend this book to anyone - male, female, with or without an eating disorder. It highlights a lot of issues and really makes you think about the way women are portrayed.

So now that I have regained focus, blogs will again be more regular! Thanks for the continued support guys, it's very well received!

Have a great week, and see some of you over my week of Birthday Celebrations!!

Franki xx

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Here We Go!

What a great weekend I had! Saturday saw a day spent with my beloved mum and sister to celebrate their Big Birthdays in London. This meant a few too many Fruit Ciders, Hotdogs and yummy Hummingbird Bakery Cakes of course!

Cake, Hamleys and Cider!!

Well hey...Celebrations needn't suffer when you are trying to be good!
You work hard the rest of the time to try and achieve the body you want, why shouldn't you have an indulgence once in a while? And here's the best bit....You won't feel guilty for it!! I was straight back to eating properly on Sunday (with no hangover!) as I knew I had enjoyed those little pleasures the day before, I felt satisfied that my cravings had been fed and that I was ready to focus again! 

It's my birthday in two weeks so up until then, I want to be spot on with my eating and training to, again, feel guilt free when I want that third slice of birthday cake...(My Dad makes a mean Red Velvet cake, and so I hope one makes an appearance this year!!)   

It's not just celebrations, no social occasion need suffer, you just need to be tactful and smart with your food and drink choices.

*If you are avoiding carbs, ask them to swap the chips for extra veg or a nice side salad.

*Maybe even opt for a 'Gluten Free' choice if it is available.

*Order a red wine instead of a cocktail, or ask for a bunless burger.
*But most importantly, try not to make a big deal out of it!

If you don't draw attention to the fact you need to order something specific and just do it when the pretty lady asks to take your order, you avoid all questioning and attempts at influencing your choices from those dining with you. They can ask after you've ordered - that way, you can't be swayed and will be satisfied that you have made the choice for YOU, not for what others think!
Don't ever feel like you need to explain your choices to anyone, or that anyone else's opinions should influence your decisions. Again, I refer back to the same thing; Your journey is yours and no ones else's.....  

In Other News.....

Sunday then saw the Official Opening of the New EBW Facility! A massive congratulations to James and Ben for all the hard work and long hours they have put into this. Everyone is extremely proud of both of them and we have already had a few session in the new aptly colour-coordinated is a quick peek....

As you can imagine, we are all incredibly excited about this and really looking forward to seeing this grow! 

Sessions started yesterday morning and I was there at 7am to try the first class! Wednesday 12th will see me taking my first very own class - Elite Females - and I cannot wait! Ladies that will be joining me, I have planned the first 6 weeks of sessions already! I have tried one of them out in a recent Group Session and it seemed to go down well (as well as an all upper body work out can!)

From my sessions, you can expect to see a mix of Tabata, Bar Routines and the 6-12-25 protocol incorporated over the weeks, and all my sessions will be aimed at improving Body Composition.

All the sessions I will run are designed around the training I have done to help me achieve my current physique...I may even throw in some Olympic Lifting if you're lucky... ;-)

I am really looking forward to seeing all the new faces EBW have signed up and can't wait to welcome any new ladies to Elite Females! I hope my first session is well received and I really welcome any feedback from the ladies that attend over the coming weeks!!

*Calling all Do - Gooders*

I am also looking to run a Charity event at the new Facility in April. A colleague of mine, Rich, will be running the London Marathon on April 13th in aid of Mercy Ships, a charity that takes voluntary aid and medical supplies to Africa.

The event will see a group of us collectively covering 26 miles of exercise - but this will be in the form of Strongman Events of course, such as Farmers Walks, Prowlers, Yokes and Car Pulls etc.

Looking to hold this Event on April 27th, but finalised details will be posted as soon as we can - I just wanted to let you all know! And if you would be interested in taking part to help us raise some cash for this great charity, please contact me and I can add you to my list! *This will be open to anyone, of any ability! The more the merrier (and easier!)*

More on Food...Obviously.....

Our Pancake stack!
So, did we all indulge a little on Pancake Day last week?! Did you go for the traditional, original style or try out a new recipe?

''Oh, but aren't pancakes really bad for you? All that butter...sugar...eggs...flour''
 Well, yes. For me anyway, I know that I feel truly awful after eating traditional pancakes, so I chose not to and have found alternatives to suit my lifestyle.

We waited until breakfast the next morning to have ours and we opted for a good old Paleo Pancake stack between us, drizzled in double cream and Mapley maple syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon...scrummy!

Georgie opted for a homemade Oat, Egg and Peanut Butter combination for her and Jonah...and I have to admit, I prefer the look of hers...! She added other ingredients such as cinnamon, jam and raisins to create a yummy alternative....and is now addicted to them! Glad to see my love of experimental cooking is rubbing off on at least one member of the family ;-)


What did you go for? Do you have any proud creations to share? Or do you think Pancake Photos just
look like a big slop on a plate?!
One Last Thing....
Just to sign off, I am sure you already know this, but I love a bit of personalisation! Here is my latest EBW vest....what do you think?! Got quite a few stares whilst walking round the supermarket on Sunday....!
But I feel it sums me up well! :)

I have caught the bug....I want another one already!! Birthday Present?!

Have a good one!

Franki x