Monday 21 April 2014

England's Strongwoman Championship Southern Qualifier 2014

Well, yesterday was the day I have been waiting for over the last 3 months! And what a day it was. As promised, here is a write up of how it went....

Of course, being me, my bag was packed and ready on Saturday night, and food and water were ready to go. A few sausages, nuts and black coffee down, I was set.

On the drive down to WHS, I of course had my playlist on full volume! I had decided to ignore my phone too, as well wishes I had received the previous night had started to make me jittery, so I didn't want it to happen again just before competing! That was the first PB of the day, not looking at my messages / Facebook / Twitter for nearly 7 hours.... SAD?!

Anyway, once at the gym, I was a nervous wreck. Tried really hard not to show it as the other competitors that were already there all seemed to know one another and so I didn't want to stand out even more! I needn't have worried though, all the competitors from the 3 weight categories were all really friendly and supportive - a much needed boost!

Soon enough, the room started to fill up with spectators -and to my surprise, quite a lot of them were for little old me! It was time for us to pick out our starting positions (numbers from a hat) and were told that there would be 6 competing, not 7 as originally thought. Luckily for me, I pulled 6 - last up, meaning I could see what the other ladies managed and what I needed to beat...

Event One - 35kg Log Press, FTOH reps in 1 minute

I like this event and feel it is one of my best. I guess this is helped by my experience with Olympic Lifting as it is quite reminiscent of a Clean and Jerk. Originally I had aimed for 10 reps, but it just felt so comfortable and quick, I kept going, time being called just before I could finish rep 13. Amazing result for me, and meant I drew 2nd Place...

Result - 12 reps, Joint 2nd Place

                                                                                 Event Two - WSM Squat, 70kg for reps in a minute

I have really been working on my squat and felt confident with this one too. Again, I had aimed for 10 but after seeing the competition from the others, James upped this aim to 16-18reps! Seemed like a big jump, but stepping into the rack, I knew I had it there. As I un-racked, the bar felt so light - perhaps that was the pre-workout saying that! - and the first 3 reps felt effortless. I think I then got a little over confident and did the next few a bit too quickly, resulting in taking a moment to pause and catch my breath, which really did cost me another rep. I managed 17 in total, but 1 was disallowed as the bar didn't touch both pins...still smashed my original goal though!

Result - 16 Reps, 4th Place

Event 3 - Arm over Arm Pull and Drag, 50kg - Timed

I was unsure how I would do in this event, I have always felt pretty weak on the pulling events. Luckily, this was really quite light and so it was more about being quick. I recall leaning as far forward as I could, stretched down the rope, heels dug into the tyre, when I heard someone say ''Ooh, I could only dream of getting into that position!'' and it made me chuckle, but I didn't loose focus, I used it as incentive, and once I started pulling the rope, I just didn't stop. Maybe I was a bit too quick as I lost my handing 3 times when pulling in, but I made up for the time with the drag back - no mistakes on the switch round and just kept my feet moving, despite my quads screaming at me to stop. And as always, I collapsed in a classy pile at the end :)

Result - 33.71 Seconds - 2nd Place

                                                              Event 4 - Farmers Walk - Timed

Ah yes, those lovely hunks of metal! The warm up was fine, and felt good about going into this second to last due to my placing in the previous event. I barely watched the other ladies this time, I just needed to keep my head in it. I had practiced this and managed it in 15seconds, so this was my aim.... But I knew as soon as I had picked them up that something would go wrong. I stupidly tried to move whilst picking them up, not my usual, Stand, Stabilise, Go technique. This put me off balance and I wobbled my way up the first 15m....I was nearing the cone and all of a sudden lost my footing and completely rolled my right ankle. Luckily, my left side took most of the weight, so the damage that could've been done was limited, but it still shook me. I picked them back up though, got through the cone and then all the way back. But I was kicking myself every step. It didn't help that it hurt like hell and I was holding back tears. The encouragement from the other competitors and the spectators was incredible though, that was a massive help!
The Ankle Roll...OUCH!!!
                                                               Result - 24.26 seconds, 5th Place

Event 5 - Loading Medley, 40kg Sandbag and Keg, 50kg Sandbag and Keg

Ankle throbbing, I tried my best to prepare for this. I knew if anything would give me a shot at a good time, it would be my sprints between the platform and objects, but knew that I would get the speed now I'd done my ankle. But I surprised myself; the 40kg sandbag and keg, and then the 50kg sandbag went up with speed and ease and I was feeling great! Then came the turn of the 50kg keg, which I had only ever attempted once, and only just got it onto the platform from a standstill, let alone a run carrying it! I knocked it, picked it up and started moving...but of course, dropped it! Got it back up to my thighs as this was all I could manage, again, quads, calves and ankle were all going crazy at me, and it felt more like I had 100kg in my arms....

But I managed what seemed like a painstakingly slow walk to the platform, and with one last burst of effort, managed to clean it up and took my hands away...then I think I collapsed onto a bench, with James quickly at my side...

The next 15 minutes were a blur as the other categories finished their event, I think I was wondering around talking to people?! Cant recall much other than Kat offering me some Lindor Mini Eggs! and I only ate one?! What was that about?!

Then it was the announcements of overall placing - and who would qualify for a place in the Finals of England's Strongwoman Championships. We weren't sure if I had placed 3rd or 4th at this point, and so when 4th place was called, and it WASN'T my name, my mum, bless her, was already cheering. Stepping up to greet Aaron to accept my 3rd Place trophy was exhilarating, the applause was immense, I was so happy! Gina (1st), Jenny (2nd) and I posed for photos for what seemed an age!

1st 2nd and 3rd with trophies!

Once all the trophies had been awarded, all the ladies gathered for a group shot.

All the ESWC Competitors!!

What a day!! I am certainly looking forward to the Finals now! Date is TBC....

Maxine, Polly, Becki, Jenny and Gina, all competitors in the U63kg category, are all fantastic ladies and great athletes. It was a pleasure to meet all of you, and I look forward to seeing you for some training sessions soon!

Thank you also to Aaron and Tom for organising and running the event yesterday, I really enjoyed it!

Just to end, thank you again to all those that came to support, especially to my family, training partners Zuz and Charlotte (and Mia!) and of course, James, my coach and inspiration to constantly improve and challenge myself. Thank You for always believing in me.

Annoyingly, I am experiencing some technical difficulties when trying to publish the video montage of events, so I will post this separately soon!

You'll be pleased to know that I demolished an Easter egg, three double amoretto's and a glass of red to celebrate! Back to clean eating tomorrow bulking phase is over ;-)

Franki x

Friday 18 April 2014

It's Nearly Time...!!

A four day weekend!! I was so in need of my lie in until 7am this morning! But was up at the gym by 830 for a quick and final pre comp session.

As you know, the last four weeks have included very specific competition based sessions, focussing on the events that will be included on Sunday (eeeek, it's two days away!) and I am glad to say that I feel ready! I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, of course I am. But that is the biggest drive. And the added adrenaline rush on the day. that's what will see me through...I hope..!

I entered this comp not with the intention of winning, or even placing, but wanted to set myself a huge goal and see how far I could take it - there is nothing better to keep you on track! Good thing is, I have enjoyed this phase of my training and have smashed some PBs in the process! There are 7 ladies in my category including myself, and my goal is to place in the top 4 - that would be amazing! Watch this space, I will do a write up of the day next week! I may even treat myself to an Easter Egg...!

Thank you to everyone who is coming to Winning Health Solutions to help support me, it really means a lot and I am very grateful of all the well wishing so far!

What Motivates YOU?

There are a number of things that people use for motivation; a picture....a quote.....a song.... I have one of each;

I love pictures like the below - an array of male and female competitors. All Outstanding Athletes in their respective field. All Olympians.

All are different aesthetically (obviously) and all will have at some point in their careers been praised, but also ridiculed for how they look. But do you think they care? They are doing what they love and are proud to represent their chosen sport and country. I think that is truly inspiring! We don't all have to be tall with luscious locks, a tan and a six pack to be good at what we do best!

Failure to Prepare is Preparing to Fail - This has got to be one of the most important mantras to have in your head! Regardless of whether it is a training or eating goal, it rings true for so many situations!

Your Playlist

I think this bears as much significance to your achievements as your preparation does. My workout playlist doesn't just contain up beat pop/dance/house music - in there are some very significant songs that hold a message - songs like 'Fighter' by Christina Aguilera. This song holds real meaning to me as I could directly relate to it in a particular phase of my younger life - and the message and meaning still stays with me today. It may be cheesy, but having some empowering songs to listen to pre work out can really help!

I have recently started putting together a playlist for my Elite Females class and here are the kind of things that are on there (it can't be too bad as there are currently a group of guys training to my playlist, singing along and I have heard no complaints...!)

Destiny's Child - Survivor / Independent Women Pt1

Christina Aguilera - Can't Hold Us Down
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
Sigma - Nobody to Love
Wilkinson - Afterglow
P Diddy ft Nicole Scherzinger - Come to Me
Maxta - Wanna Go
The rest includes the likes of Rihanna, Foxes, Justin Timberlake, Pink, Nelly and Mr Probz
Do you use music as a distraction? Do you have any particular songs that hold particular reference that help you performance?
I know what I will be listening to on Sunday - and Zuz, I am certainly taking you up on the offer of a shoulder massage whilst we sing along to Fighter!!
Right, I shall leave it there for today, lets go and enjoy the sunshine!
Hope you all have a great Easter Break, take it easy on the Eggs...!
Franki x


Monday 7 April 2014

Let's Talk About Stress, Baby....

''I'm so Stressed!'' ..... ''I have so much to do'' ....... ''So many things on my mind!''

Just some of the few sentences that have been on repeat in my head this week! And I know I am not the only one who hears these mantras on a frequent basis..!

The last few weeks have been particularly stressful....You know when you feel you just don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done, or forget things because your mind has been pre-occupied? Yep, that is how it has been for me...!

The reason I am sharing this is because I wanted to talk a bit about the effects stress has on your body, your routine and your eating habits....

Stress rears it's ugly head in many forms; from being physically and/or mentally exhausted from work or running your home, to being run down and weak from poor nutrition or too much exercise (yes, there is such a thing as too much exercise!)

Warning signs your body will give you are the obvious ones...short/bad temper, loss of appetite and
general focus, poor quality sleep, your skin, hair and nails start to suffer and you are more likely to put ON weight than lose it.

To be honest, I have suffered with most of the above recently! Not great when I have a Competition coming up! But hey - I identified what the problem was and where I needed to refocus - the main one being my food....

Our Emotional Connection to Food

I cannot stress enough how important it is to not neglect what you put in your body - as women (although this is not limited to just women), we tend to reach for the cake, chocolate and ice cream in times of sadness / stress / emotional despair, and lets face it, no one can say that they don't have a week / month where they feel a little off kilter and reach for the above for ''comfort''....

Stress = Bad Night's Sleep = Neglected Breakfast

You know when you wake up for work and snooze the alarm more times than you should and tell yourself you'll grab some breakfast on the way out of the door.... Yea, probably the worst thing you could do!

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, especially if you are training. I'm not saying you need to have a Full English, but starting your day with, at the very least, some eggs or another form of protein with nuts will have much more of a positive effect on your mood and well being for the day than a shot of espresso and a Banana and then a chocolate or breakfast bar around 10am- the amount of times I have been told the latter has formed someones breakfast is crazy - how can you expect to focus and function properly on so little?!

Need some quick ideas? Why not try;

Not-so-boring Scrambled Eggs

  • 2 eggs
  • 50g-80g of Sausage Meat / Chorizo / Chicken (last nights leftovers maybe)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 2 tsps of salsa

1) Heat some butter in a pan and add the meat to heat through. 
2) Mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl and add to the cooking meat and scramble.
3) Simple as that - be imaginative with the ingredients you add to the egg to create lots of quick recipes!

Breakfast Burger

  • 1 Burger 
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/2 an Avocado
1) Pop the burger in the oven to cook whilst you are getting yourself / kids ready in the morning 
2) Slice the tomato and avocado into circles and use them to place the burger in (like a bun) 
3) Serve with a handful of nuts - the great thing about this recipe is that you can put it all in a box and eat it on the go if you are running late - just cut it all up into chunks, grab a fork and go!

At Your Desk Porridge

If all else fails, grab a pot of yummy porridge and mix with hot water - but not too often! And only post work out... I discovered this one a while back and loved it! 

Again, check out the Fitter Foods book for lots more ideas on breakfast ideas...! I love their Breakfast Calzone....try it!!!

You really can be so much more productive each day having eaten a ''proper'' breakfast in the morning - even if it does mean getting up a little earlier. Just means going to bed a little earlier each night. Win Win right?! Getting more rest and then feeling more prepared for each day?!

Anyway, I am highlighting this as, as said above, this is where I started to neglect my routine - feeling like the world was on top of me led me to have a complete appetite loss - not meaning I wasn't eating (I love food too much, so no worry about that happening!) but I wasn't eating enough - but still training as much as I normally do. This led to me being extremely tired and lacking motivation as the weeks training started to feel like a chore, not my usual favourite pass time.

Displaying photo.JPG

The worst thing for me, and this might sound selfish, was the effect the added stress was having on my appearance. My skin was noticeably bad, hair was even thinner than usual and I developed a ''nice'' paunch around my tummy - I was not happy at all! My biosig results shot up and it only highlighted how much stress my body was under - I knew I had to do something about it!

It was a wakeup call,  and so I made sure this didn't last too long! I have got back on track, but it really highlighted for me the effect small changes can make to your wellbeing - for better or worse..!!

The point in me telling you this is to highlight that regardless of how strict you are, how many times you train a week, how much of your life revolves around training and nutrition, you still have to (try to) remember to maintain as much control over everything else in your life - a big ask for those who have several plates spinning, I know! But also remember there is nothing wrong with taking some me time to regain perspective and have some much deserved rest!

A few things to bear in mind...

How aware are you about the stress caused to your body? How do you feel when you fall out of routine?

Hopefully the talk of stress and it's effects can resonate with some of you. How do you manage your stress? I found yoga to be a big help, as well as spending more time with those close to me!

So... A Few Updates!

It (was) My Birthday

Yes, my birthday has come and gone! I got a lot of beautiful, thoughtful and useful gifts! Here a just a few....
A cookery Course, Massage Vouchers and Gym gear amongst others!

Lots of yummy food was consumed of course, rounded off nicely with a lovely meal with all my girlfriends! Thank you again to all of those that joined me for food, wine and cake...!!
I am also pleased to say that my dad listened to my plea and I got my homemade Red Velvet Birthday cake! Thanks Dad!

Saturday saw a visit down to Winning Health Solutions gym in Southampton for some competition prep after the details of the events were released!

Really pleased to say that I had a squat session with Gina Collins, the current Britain's Strongest Women U63kg (who I will be competing against!) and managed to match her weight for weight, rep for rep - pretty chuffed with that acheievment I must say!

I also managed a new Log PB and some practice with the kegs and loading platforms. Feeling a lot more confident now....2 weeks until the comp!

England's Strongest Women Southern Qualifier will be held at Winning Health Solutions on April 20th, events starting at 11am - if anyone would like to come along to show some support, it would be very much appreciated!!!! Let me know if you would like to come along.

Speaking of achievements, the week before saw me put a massive 12.5kg on my deadlift - I managed 112.5kg for one rep! I then went on to lift 90kg 14 times in one minute....!! Here is a photo of me, Grace and Zoe from the Events session...
Me With 110kg, Grace with 120kg and Zoe with a huge 140kg!!

Charity Event - Mercy Ships

So a few weeks ago I mentioned that I will be running a charity event for a friend of mine running the London Marathon - this is still going ahead, we may just have to change the date as EBW will actually starting their expansion (already!) that weekend - so the date confirmation is to follow this week! Again if you are interested in helping us complete 26 miles on a range of strongman equipment, in a great atmosphere and all for a good cause, please contact me!!

Again guys, sorry for the delay... I really do promise this time that I will be more frequent!

Have a good week all! Remember, Be Happy. Be Healthy.

Franki x