I went Bikini shopping not long ago (females will understand, new year, new bikinis!) and which three colours do you think I inadvertently picked?!
An excuse to buy a few more, right?! |
Yes - Black, Red and White.....I wasn't trying to keep in touch with work! Most people go on holiday to get away from it...!
In keeping with holiday prep, I must pre tan as I am the palest Half Italian you've probably ever met!
Now, I am no stranger to a sunbed (Slap wrist I know) but this year I have avoided them as much as possible, instead, opting for a gradual tanning moisturiser.
*No Biscuit Smell*
*No Streaks*
*Even Application*
*Only £2.50 when on offer!*
*From the High Street!*
*Paraben Free!*
Good Old Superdrug! |
Why am I so excited about it being Paraben Free?
Well for a while now, I have been using Paraben Free cosmetics as much as I can - including Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Make up, Face Creams, Moisturisers, Body Washes and the like - and they are surprisingly easy to find.
The reason for this is that parabens can mimic the effects that Oestrogen has on the body - although this is a natural hormone, I have discovered that my body overproduces it, which in turn has caused me a great deal of other issues which I am trying to manage.
I will do as much as I can to reduce my Oestrogen levels, as they can be effected by environmental factors as well as hormonal ones. Here are just a few things I do to help keep my levels managed;
*Drink bottled / filtered water
* Avoiding the use of a microwave to heat food
* Avoid unnecessary consumption of alcohol
* Use paraben free products as much as they are available
Like I said, they are getting a lot easier to find now too! A few of my favourites include;
The Nivea Pure and Natural Range - Creams / Face Wipes / Lip Balms etc

Sainsburys Body Wash Range - Cheap and smell AMAZING!! Available in Lemon, Mint, Lime, Coconut and Cranberry

Timotei Shampoo and Conditioner, Dry Shampoo
Just a few ranges I would recommend :)
I am yet to find / use a good PF sun-cream...anyone recommend a brand they have used?
The other great thing about reducing my Oestrogen levels are the effects it has had on my body fat loss - I have seen significant reductions in the fat reading on my upper arms and legs - so would say it is certainly something to consider trying / looking into!
What preparation are you doing for the summer? Training Hard and Eating Well? Feeling good, or still dreading the thought of bearing flesh?
I'm still in competition mode so I am covered in rather fetching bruises and scratches (still!) which I am hoping will fade by the time I go away....! By then, I'm sure I will be feeling bikini body ready!!
The Life of a Strongwoman! |
Expect a few more posts from me over the next two weeks in the run up to Britain's Strongest Woman - hoping to not only give you an insight from my point of view, but from the two other EBW Athletes Morgan and Sara too!
Until then....keep focused, work hard, and on top of all else - believe you can achieve!
Franki xx
Facebook: Franki Napolitano
Twitter: @fnapolitano2
Instagram: FrankiNapolitano
Twitter: @fnapolitano2
Instagram: FrankiNapolitano